Promotion and Services
Departments of Yunnan concerning
investment promotion are devoted to providing the best services, the most
preferential policies and the smoothest channels and establishing a platform
for foreign investors so as to build investment environment, identify the
orientation and promote cooperation. These departments cooperate with each
other to ensure the prospect of foreign investors’ investment. Sound investment
environment and superior investment services make Yunnan a new place suitable
for investment.
云南省招商引资工作委员会 |
The Working Committee of Yunnan Province
for Investment Promotion, with the governor of the People's Government of
Yunnan Province as its director, is composed of 26 relevant provincial
departments, for example, the General Office of People's Government of Yunnan
Province, Yunnan Development and Reform Commission and Yunnan Provincial
Industry & Information Technology Commission with the Committee Office set
in the Investment Promotion & Cooperation Bureau of Yunnan Province.
Primary responsibilities: studying and
establishing relevant policies and governmental regulations on investment
promotion in the province; reviewing medium and long-term plans for investment
promotion in the province; studying and determining major decisions about
investment promotion; integrating social resources and forces, leading,
organizing and coordinating various regions and relevant departments to improve
investment environment as well as approval, promotion and follow-up services of
key foreign funded projects.
重大招商引资项目协调推进办公室 |
The Office of Coordination and Promotion
of Key Investment Promotion Projects, under the leadership of the Working
Committee of Yunnan Province for Investment Promotion, is set in the Investment
Promotion & Cooperation Bureau of Yunnan Province and responsible for the
coordination and supervision of key projects in the province. The office
coordinates and supervises relevant provincial departments, cities
(prefectures) and enterprises to propose, introduce and implement key
investment promotion projects and supervises the inspection and treatment of
matters agreed by the Working Committee of Yunnan Province for Investment
Promotion and the arrangement of the provincial government leaders for project
People's governments of cities
(prefectures), provincial departments, provincial enterprises and organizations
of the Central Government located in Yunnan promote and implement key
provincial projects according to the locations or industries to which the
projects belong.
云南省招商合作局 |
The Investment Promotion &
Cooperation Bureau of Yunnan Province is equipped with the Office, Planning
Section, Industrial Section, Industrial Park Section, Supervision Section,
Regional Section, Information Section, Foreign Investment Section and party
committees directly under each unit.
Primary responsibilities: studying or
participating in the preparation of local laws and regulations, governmental
regulation drafts and relevant policies on investment promotion, regional
economic cooperation and investment environment improvement in the province;
leading and supervising relevant provincial departments, cities (prefectures),
key industrial parks and enterprises to develop industrial investment promotion
and key investment promotion projects; coordinating and advancing regional
investment promotion in China and taking the lead in developing direct
investment promotion of foreign merchants; cooperating with relevant provincial
departments, cities (prefectures), key industrial parks and enterprises to
propose key provincial industrial investment promotion projects and establish,
manage and improve the library of key provincial investment promotion projects;
directing and coordinating with national development zones, key development and
opening-up experimental zones, bonded zones, cross-border cooperation zones and
border economic cooperation zones to develop targeted investment promotion for
the development and planning of industrial parks.
Provincial Service Departments of Yunnan
机构名称 |
联系电话 |
机构名称 |
联系电话 |
省发改委 |
0871-63113331 |
省文化厅 |
0871-63611529 |
省工信委 |
0871-63513383 |
省林业厅 |
0871-65011679 |
省科技厅 |
0871-63136484 |
省水利厅 |
0871-63631975 |
省财政厅 |
0871-63620234 |
省旅发委 |
0871-64608365 |
省人社厅 |
0871-63635361 |
省地税局 |
0871-63649282 |
省国土资源厅 |
0871-65747302 |
省工商局 |
0871-64566649 |
省环保厅 |
0871-64145235 |
省质监局 |
0871-63215521 |
省住建厅 |
0871-64322033 |
省药监局 |
0871-68317922 |
省农业厅 |
0871-65738771 |
云南出入境检验检疫局 |
0871-64574298 |
省商务厅 |
0871-63173325 |
省国税局 |
0871-63129173 |
省侨办 |
0871-63323712 |
省工商联 |
0871-65390383 |
省贸促会 |
0871-63130723 |
省台办 |
0871-63102471 |
省政府驻北京办事处 |
010-64278615 |
省政府驻广西办事处 |
0779-3030871 |
省政府驻上海办事处 |
021-62572755 |
省政府驻重庆办事处 |
023-62810897 |
省政府驻广州办事处 |
020-34155824 |
省政府驻湛江办事处 |
0795-2284143 |
省政府驻深圳办事处 |
0755-82180489 |
省政府驻攀枝花办事处 |
0812-5500544 |
省政府驻成都办事处 |
028-85571841 |
Investment Promotion Institutions in
Various Regions of Yunnan Province
机构名称 |
联系电话 |
地址 |
电子邮箱 |
昆明市投资促进局 |
0871-63132132 |
呈贡新区锦绣大街1号市级行政中心3号楼5楼 |
昭通市商务和招商合作局 |
0870-2241188 |
昭通市昭阳区西街253号 |
曲靖市招商合作局 |
0874-3124477 |
曲靖市政府院内 |
玉溪市招商合作局 |
0877-2667999 |
玉溪市红塔区秀山西路7号 |
保山市招商合作局 |
0875-2207288 |
保山市正阳北路201号 |
楚雄州招商合作局 |
0878-3396601 |
楚雄市丰盛路668号州政务中心 |
红河州招商合作局 |
0873-3732163 |
蒙自州政府办公大楼C区一楼 |
文山州招商合作局 |
0876-2138667 |
文山市七花北路 |
普洱市招商合作局 |
0879-2148349 |
普洱市思茅区茶城大道31号 |
西双版纳州招商合作局 |
0691-2138735 |
景洪市民航路34号 |
大理州招商合作局 |
0872-2332161 |
大理经济开发区通海路1号 |
德宏州招商合作局 |
0692-2214118 |
芒市翡翠路35号 |
丽江市招商合作局 |
0888-5198888 |
丽江古城区太和路无线电管委会大楼 |
怒江州商务局 |
0886-3888769 |
怒江州州级行政中心 |
迪庆州招商合作局 |
0887-8229166 |
香格里拉长征大道州政府大院五号楼 |
临沧市招商合作局 |
0883-2138622 |
临沧市沧江路125号 |
Chambers of Commerce from Outside in
Yunnan Province
序号 |
商会名称 |
办公地点 |
联系方式 |
电话(0871) |
传真(0871) |
1 |
云南省浙江商会 |
昆明市建设路296号云立方小区3-1栋21楼 |
68075377 |
68075378 |
2 |
云南省重庆商会 |
昆明市西山新城百集龙家居广场A座26层 |
63116275 |
68182589 |
3 |
云南省湖北商会 |
昆明市环西368号华海新境界商务大厦A栋21楼 |
67371988 |
67371988 |
4 |
云南省广东商会 |
昆明市滇池路金岸春天小区45-17 |
67160157 |
67160157 |
5 |
云南省安徽商会 |
昆明市关雨南路高原明珠酒店八楼 |
67380669 |
67380670 |
6 |
云南省江西商会 |
昆明市高新区海源中路1088号和成国际C座 |
68573081 |
68573081 |
7 |
云南省江苏商会 |
昆明市关上南路356号官渡大酒店大堂左侧 |
63511672 |
63511673 |
8 |
云南省上海商会 |
昆明市北门街9号二楼 |
65181216 |
65181196 |
9 |
云南省贵州商会 |
昆明市广福路387号星长征总部基地7楼722室 |
64635826 |
68060037 |
10 |
云南省湖南商会 |
昆明市经济技术开发区信息产业基地春漫大道 |
68075110 |
68075109 |
11 |
云南省河南商会 |
昆明市民航路400号云南城投A座5楼 |
64166939 |
67391908 |
12 |
云南省广西商会 |
昆明市官渡区宝海路146号云南人家一楼 |
67158889 |
67158859 |
13 |
云南省四川商会 |
昆明市西山区丽苑路城建股份大厦4楼403室 |
68260899 |
68217399 |
14 |
云南省湛江商会 |
昆明市民航路402号 |
67013876 |
67013876 |
15 |
云南省宁波商会 |
昆明市滇池度假区迎海路8号金都商集2栋 |
64319866 |
64319266 |
16 |
云南省温州商会 |
昆明市西山区广福路十一家俱大厦C座6楼 |
68097666 |
68361877 |
17 |
云南省河北商会 |
昆明市滇池路802青少年校外活动基地二楼 |
64632591 |
64615572 |
18 |
云南省陕西商会 |
昆明市官渡区原巫家取机场内旭鼎大厦五楼 |
67112301 |
67112305 |
19 |
昆明市大观路208号 |
65335853 |
65513668 |
20 |
云南省山东商会 |
昆明市上马村核桃箐路7号 |
65181777 |
65109777 |
21 |
云南省南昌商会 |
昆明市高新区科光路18号 |
64611086 |
64611086 |
22 |
云南省南京商会 |
昆明市新亚洲体育城星都总部57幢501室 |
67159717 |
67159717 |
23 |
云南省杭州商会 |
昆明市官渡区世纪金源国际商务中心1号楼17楼 |
67178688 |
63821616 |
24 |
云南省东北商会 |
昆明市原巫家坝机场百事特商务楼一楼 |
67115677 |
67115682 |
25 |
云南省川渝商会 |
昆明市广福路红星国际广场一区八幢27楼 |
68188951 |
68188951 |
26 |
云南省福建总商会 |
昆明市官渡区世纪城国际商务中心3号楼5A |
68031662 |
68031663 |
27 |
云南潮汕总商会 |
昆明市经开区新广丰A2一单元8楼 |
64120165 |
68378216 |
28 |
云南省甘肃商会 |
昆明市宝海路宝海公园旁宝海豪园竹轩8层B号 |
63539065 |
63192138 |
29 |
云南省济南商会 |
昆明市官渡区金马路东骧神骏旁 |
65099344 |
65099344 |
30 |
云南省内蒙古商会 |
昆明市官渡区锦西路346号豪门金座 |
66338988 |
66338988 |
Minimum Wage Standards
in Various Regions of Yunnan Province
out as from September 1, 2015)
地区类别 |
月最低工资(元/月) |
小时最低工资(元/小时) |
适用地区 |
一类地区 |
1570 |
14 |
昆明市所辖各区(东川区除外)和安宁市 |
二类地区 |
1400 |
13 |
昆明市所辖各县及东川区,各州/市政府所在地的市(县/区)玉龙县,德钦县;其他设市城市 |
三类地区 |
1180 |
12 |
其它各县 |
用电分类 |
县级趸售 |
县以下趸售 |
1-10千伏 |
35千伏及以上 |
1-10千伏 |
35千伏及以上 |
一、居民生活用电 |
0.379 |
0.379 |
0.375 |
0.375 |
二、一般工商业及其他用电 |
0.526 |
0.516 |
0.526 |
0.516 |
三、农业生产用电 |
0.370 |
0.360 |
0.370 |
0.360 |
其中:贫困县农业排灌用电 |
0.240 |
0.235 |
0.240 |
0.235 |
4、上表所列价格,除农业生产用电外,均含可再生能源电价附加,其中:居民生活用电0.1分钱,其他用电0.8分钱。 |
Water Prices
昆发改审批[2009]46号(自2009年6月1日起执行) |
类别 |
城市供水到户价格 |
其中 |
执行范围 |
自来水价格 |
污水处理价格 |
一类用水居民生活用水 |
3.45 |
2.45 |
1.00 |
包括城乡居民生活用水;干休所、敬老院、养老院、孤儿院等社会福利单位及城市消防用水等。 |
二类用水行政事业用水 |
4.85 |
3.60 |
1.25 |
包括财政拨款的党政机关、社会团体、院校(行政用水)、科研机构、医疗单位、新闻出版、文体活动场馆用水;园林绿化、环卫环保、公园等公用事业及其它非盈利性社团组织用水等。 |
三类用水工商用水 |
5.60 |
4.35 |
1.25 |
包括工矿企业、交通运输、及农林渔业、商业贸易、餐饮服务业、旅社、招待所、宾馆饭店、疗养院、旅游娱乐业、影剧院、技术服务、信息咨询、中介机构、金融保险业、信托投资、证券交易、房地产、邮电通讯等经营服务行业用水及建筑施工用水等。 |
四类用水特种用水 |
15.35 |
14.10 |
1.25 |
包括桑拿、洗头、洗脚等特种服务业和洗车业用水等。 |
2.继续执行居民生活阶梯式水价,对已由自来水公司直接抄表收费到户的居民用户,每户居民月实际用水量在10立方米以内的,按附表规定的居民生活用水价格执行;实际用水量超过10立方米的,在附表规定的居民生活用水价格基础上(不含污水处理费,下同)实行阶梯式水价;具体标准为:用水量在11至15立方米的部分,在居民生活用水价格基础上加价100%;用水量在16至20立方米的部分,在居民生活用水价格基础上加价150%;用水量在21立方米的部分,在居民生活用水价格基加价200%。城市供水价格中的污水处理价格不纳入计算阶梯式水价的加价基数。尚未由自来水公司直接抄表收费到户居民用户,暂不执行阶梯式水价。 |